With new pads, plenty of rotor life, racing brake fluid, and stainless steel lines, we’ve pretty well wrapped up the brakes on the Cappuccino. For the type of driving this Cappuccino will see, something crazy like a big brake kit isn’t necessary: The whole skill of driving a Cappuccino hard is to carry the momentum through corners, scrubbing minimal speed. Really, the brakes are mostly used for weight transfer as opposed to actual stopping, so braking is mostly done in quick dabs before the corner. A big brake kit is only really needed for a full track Cappuccino and would require a lot of engineering (since no manufacturer currently makes a big brake kit for the Cappuccino). In fact for the OEM tires the Cappuccino has, these brakes are actually overkill. This is a non-ABS car and the slick commuter tires this car is currently cursed with make it really easy to lock up the brakes during hard braking. Good thing we’ve got a sticky tire upgrade waiting in the wings…