“My Fiancée's” Miata: Part 9 – V8 Roadsters Cowl Stabilizer Braces, Sway Bar End Links and Track Test
Last winter, I was debating all the areas of improvement the Miata needed and first and foremost was chassis rigidity. The car crashes over bumps, the interior rattles and the cowl shakes like an old man’s fist when the neighbor kids are playing ball too close to his roses. It was getting to me and really needed to be the focus for improvement before future modifications could be made. Much like a relationship, a chassis needs to be rock solid for the whole package to work. My fiancée will appreciate that part.
I started doing mental gymnastics of the shortcomings of the chassis design of the Miata and quickly headed to the best design software money doesn’t have to buy, MS Paint. Looking at the chassis, the biggest area for improvement would be to connect the top of the window frame to the Blackbird roll bar, more or less making a coupe, but that’s not safely happening in a street car. I get enough grief about the roll bar clearance to my head already, I thought I better not add another bar in there to piss off more of our readers. If we imagine how forces are transmitted through the chassis, we can see that the roll bar does a good job tying in the rear chassis, but there was nothing up front to counteract the front suspension forces. Enter stage right, V8 Roadsters Cowl Stabilizer Braces.