It’s good to be back home, but this jet lag fucking sucks. The 17 hour time difference is rocking my sleep pattern pretty bad. I used to be able to handle it just fine when one day of recovery was all it took and I was good to go the next day. Now I’m on the 4th day of recovery and I’m still hurting. Jet lag recovery is directly proportional to hangovers recovery time vs. age apparently.
I’ve enabled comments for now. I’ll try it out for a while. I realize that I post a lot of things that people may not agree with since there’s a whole generation of SPEs (forum bred self proclaimed engineers) and FFFs out there now. Fuck them (or you if you’re an SPE or FFF without an open mind). This is not a forum. It’s a comment box. I will delete dumb ass comments immediately. is not a democracy and there are no free speech laws present here. With that being said, please leave a friendly comment if you feel inclined, have something that isn’t stupid to say, or have constructive criticism. I prefer criticism through email, but whatever floats your boat. I hope to hear from you guys in the future.