You've surely noticed by now that I have moved Beyond the Dyno to it's new home at MotoIQ. I've been invited by other sites in the past to move BTD to their servers, but I did not think the other sites were suitable matches for BTD. MotoIQ is based around serious tech and indepth articles you probably won't find anywhere else so I thought MotoIQ was the perfect new home for BTD.
Remember that BTD really just started out as my personal blog at JDM Insider, then evolved into my own site hosted on the XS Engineering server, and now is part of the MotoIQ family. I will continue to blog in BTD about my adventures in the tuning world, race event results, random subjects, snide remarks, and no bullshit commentary. However, I never really wrote in depth, step by step, how to articles or super deep indepth tech, but now you can get this kind of content at MotoIQ written by engineers, trained professionals, and people who just simply know their shit all in one place. You may know Mike Kojima the master Nissan nerd and Dave Coleman from the late Sport Compact Car Magazine already, but there are also some other contributors who write good indepth articles definitely worth reading. Here are some examples from MotoIQ you should check out:
How to build bulletproof trannies

DIY exhaust

Wideband A/F Meter Test

Chuck & Annie's Adventures at Bonneville

Lowbuck SR20 Tech (I'm not an SR20 guy, but it's a good article. Turbo KAs for life yo.)

Fast Charge Electric Car/E85 + Direct Injection Car

You'll also probably want to check out the MotoIQ forums. Currently most members seem to have their head on straight. There seems to be minimal FFFs (definition in a later post), e-thugs, and know it all wannabe copier salesman by day/tuners by night. This is one of the few times you'll see me recommending a forum actually. The MotoIQ forums are moderated by people who ACTUALLY know their shit too as a bonus. Check out the MotoIQ Forums.
So be sure to cruise around MotoIQ and check it out. Make sure to create a login, continue to comment on my articles, and use the forum if you have an intelligent question or an intelligent contribution. While we're no longer on our own little sheltered site, you should still comment or ask questions on just about anything I write about. I have always valued readers' input. Fuck the haters though.
At the moment there is way too much shit going on in my life so I may not crank out 4 or 5 posts a week, but I still hope to hear from the regular BTD readers as often as I did before.