Cosworth Drag EJ257


Before I started working at Cosworth, the guys here were working on a “low budget” drag Subaru EJ257 engine program. The quotes are there because the term is relative. Low to one person may not be low to another. The budget was low compared to a real motorsport engine program, but probably considered high for the street car/weekend warrior crowd. EITHER WAY, PLEASE DO NOT CALL COSWORTH AND ASK FOR A DRAG SPEC ENGINE (unless you have 6 digits+ US$, not Japanese Yen of course). I’m not being a snob; I’m just saving you the pain of rejection. Anyhow, Cosworth was enlisted to build 2 engine programs: one gasoline and the other methanol. Pictured below is the methanol engine that made 1013bhp. It was never further developed due to the budgetary constraints, but it could have made much more power from what I understand. Unfortunately the chassis was never sorted out so there are no amazing ETs or MPH to speak of. The gasoline (C16) engine made 823bhp @ 9000rpm and 550 lb-ft @7500rpm. The gasoline engine was considered a success and it ran reliably for two drag seaons at a best of 9.0@156mph on radials in a unibody car.





The intake manifold is internally dubbed “the flowmaster” for obvious reasons. The engine had a Garrett GT45, 6 2200cc injectors, a dry sump, and host of other goodies. I make no mention of the customer, but I’m sure some of you guys who have been around for a while may remember who it was. Too bad the methanol engine wasn’t in the hands of a team with a capable driver, chassis, and clutch guy. It could have been really fast. Too bad import drag racing is more or less dead. Hopefully Battle of the Imports and good ol’ Frank Choi make a successful comeback. It’s up to Battle to carry on the torch of import drag racing.

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