So you take all the precautions of making yourself as visible as possible, riding on streets with wide bike lanes and shoulders, and during times of the day that you should be easily visible. Are you completely safe? Nope. We all know it; the average American driver is just not very good. As a road cyclist, you have to take on the same mentality as a motorcyclist which is every car out there is trying to kill you. You need to ride defensively all the time.
Speaking of stop signs, a pet peeve of mine is cyclists who blow through them. [Standing on soap box] As a cyclist, you count as a moving vehicle and need to obey the same laws as cars. This includes coming to a stop for a stop sign. Do I expect cyclists to come to a COMPLETE stop? No, I expect them to behave like they would in a car which is to do the California roll (slow down to 1-2mph) assuming there are no other vehicles at the intersection. Does ‘stopping’ suck? Yes, but you would have to come to a stop in a car and being on a bicycle is no different. Besides, I use it as an opportunity to work on my accelerations to get stronger, so don’t be lazy and do come to a stop at the signs. Then work on your accelerations to build strength and speed. [Off soap box]