How I Became Addicted to Motorsports


 Honda Fit autocrossing
 If a Honda Fit can look at home on an autocross course, so can your car.

When it was time for my heat, I pulled my car into the staging lanes.  A veteran who I rode with earlier that day volunteered to ride along with me during my first three runs.  Having someone who knows what they’re doing in the car with you really helps.  They can give you feedback on what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

As I sat in the staging lanes, I watched the other cars in my heat driving on the course.  The instructor in the car with me pointed out a few things about what they were doing right and wrong.  The closer I got to the starting line, the more nervous and excited I got.  I checked everything on my car: traction control OFF, stability control OFF, first gear selected…

In the staging lanes.  I was so nervous and excited at this point I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest.

 Finally, I got to the start line, and I was given the signal to go.  I will now attempt to convey what happened in the next minute or so, but things really seem to happen fast on your very first lap.  I dropped the hammer and my heart jumped  into my throat.  Oh-crap-oh-crap oh-crap oh-crap!  Spinning tires; modulate the throttle… 7,000 RPM!  SHIFT!  Second gear, brake, RIGHT HAND TURN NOW.  Accelerate out of the corner, SLALOM.  Brake in straight line, aim for the apex, turn the wheel, gradually apply the throttle…

My first time at the start line, I was really nervous!


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