
The only thing I dislike about parts that are this well designed is that I always want a second set to put on display. Luckily I can always look at the photos to remember how shiny they once were.

This set currently adjusts for rebound with a little bit of compression component tied in, which is perfect for a dual-duty car like this. They can be made to adjust for rebound-only for certain applications where racing or competition rules dictate that need. From full-soft to full-stiff makes a substantial difference in trying to compress these by hand, and we’ll get full track testing completed in a future article.
With three years in development, the stiction, or “the static friction that needs to be overcome to enable relative motion of stationary objects in contact” has been reduced to the lowest rates of any strut on the market. Where the GRAND-AM 44mm-shaft struts exhibited over 200 pounds of stiction and a twin tube street coilover showed 65 pounds, the stiction on this particular set was only 10 pounds! All HVT designs have show only 10 to 50 pounds of stiction at most.