
If you have a set of helping hands available, it is useful if you can get someone to lift the intake manifold up while you slip the Power Blocks in place. Howard is badass and doesn't need helping hands. Be sure you don't knock the O-rings out of place or you will have an epic vacuum leak and all sorts of DTC codes as a result that will drive you nuts.

The Crawford Performance Power Blocks intake manifold spacer in place.

Howard bolts the manifold back down and reinstalls everything.

The PVC line is loosely slipped onto its fittings and pops off super easily. Believe it or not, it has no clamps from the factory. Since it has more tension on it now with the taller manifold, we zip tied it in place to keep it from perhaps popping loose.

The injector driver box now sits higher so one of the mounting bolts to the engine's block won't line up. Crawford Performance includes a small bracket to extend the mount so all the bolts can be used.

Everything is all buttoned up and ready to go. It looks all stock except the intake manifold is now much higher. Most strut tower braces will still clear. Note we did not try every STB on the market so please don't ask if your's will!