Tested:Meguiar’s Mirror Bright Vinyl and Rubber Treatment

Tested: Meguiar's Mirror Bright Vinyl and Rubber Treatment

by Mike Kojima


We usually don't get excited enough about car care products to write about them, but every once and awhile, we get something in the mail that gets our attention. Tire treatments are something we could usually care less about. The market is saturated with all sorts of goop to put on tires.

All of the staffers here hate the look that tire treatments give, the super glossy wet shiny look that looks like drippy Jeri Curl 80's hair. You know the stuff that attracts dirt and turns brown in a week and is gross to scrub off later. 

Every year when we met with the guys at Meguiars at a SEMA industry conference they asked us for product feedback and we told them we would like a JDM Squash air freshener and a tire treatment that was not glossy and gross but would simply blacken faded tires to give them the matt look of a new tire, not a shined up wet tire. 

Well, Meguiares listened and gave us the JDM Squash air freshener.  Recently a package arrived in the mail and it contained a new tire dressing for us to try, Meguiars Mirror Bright Vinyl and Rubber Treatment.  The guys at Meguiars told us that this is the non-glossy dressing we were looking for!


Project EVO IX had been sitting in storage for awhile and its tires had turned a nice shade of brown. Since the car is going to be on display at Mitsubishi Owners Day or MOD, this was not going to cut it.

Ok so this is not horribly technical, you first spray a pretty generous portion of Mirror Bright on your tires and let it sit for a few minutes. The Mirror Bright immediately starts to go to work, dissolving and lifting off the brown crap.


After the Mirror Bright solution has had some time to work, let's say about 10 minutes, you simply wipe it off. That's it. If the tires have some stubborn brownness or soil, we suppose you could repeat, but this probably won't be necessary. Our brown walls cleaned right up.

There you are, a beautiful tire that is matte black, not glossy that looks like a freshly made tire. This is the look that many like that you could only get before by applying tire treatment and buffing it almost all off laboriously.  Even that didn't give results this good and did not remove the brown stuff.

Our EVO's tires went from a dull brown to like new nice in minutes. 

So Mirror Bright is fast and simple to use, looks great and even cleans off the yucky brown stuff. What more could you ask for in a tire treatment?  Well, it also works well on any rubber or plastic part like dashboards, door panels and moldings giving them a dark matt look that simply looks like a new part. This is a product that has been a long time coming!  If you like to keep your car looking good, this is something that is a must try.



Mirror Bright


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