
Speaking of cylinder heads, PLR might know where you can find a few. They try to stock a lot of components so that they can turn around engines in relatively short order. With “only” 8 engines in the catalog, having the right parts ready at the right time means PLR can assemble, machine and ship in as little as 2-4 weeks when others can take months just to receive a block before they start machining.

Here, Joey is putting the final assembly touches on a cylinder head. Pro Line Racing orders custom valves to their exacting specifications to help promote optimal flow characteristics in their high-boost turbo engines.

Organization is the name of the game here, and perhaps they take it to OCD extremes. When the rubber gloves and paper towels are neatly lined up and almost every bin has a label on it, you know these guys mean business.

Seven engine stands lie in wait to receive behemoth big blocks. PLR has more than a baker's dozen of engine stands both with and without motors attached. Some shops barely even have one!

Want another example of attention to detail? Here is the crank balancing station. Neat and organized with reference material handy. Just don't steal the pen – someone will kill you. It's not just the balancing of the crank that involves great care (PLR spends an average of 3 hours on each), but other details about the crank, too. For example, most of these high-power engines are mated to automatic transmissions through torque converters. Even with the best converters in the industry, 4,000+ HP squeezing through can cause the converter to balloon, which pushes on the crank. Pro Line Racing's engines employ a Torrington thrust bearing on the front of the crank to help handle this minute amount of crank walk that typically occurs. These guys think of just about everything.