
At the beginning of the day for everyone’s arrival, a variety of pastries were provided. The cooler was stocked with water and other beverages all day. And, of course, dual Nespresso machines made sure that European-style coffee was always available. In the afternoon, pastries became candy bars and other treats. LRS wanted to make sure that you were topped up on human fuel, just like they kept the cars in shape for the drivers.
But wait, there’s more.

I am not sure if LRS used on-site catering from the circuit or brought food in. Either way, the quality and quantity of food was simply outstanding. A slice of terrine/loaf and green salad, a wonderful piece of steak with potatoes gratin and a roasted tomato, and a wonderful chocolate-y mousse-y thing. I tried not to eat all of it because I didn’t want to make myself sick once I got back in the car. I couldn’t help myself. Fortunately we had almost two hours from lunch before our next driving session.
But wait, there’s more.

The driver did not hold back, I can assure you. This was no putt-putt around the the track kind of ride. Complete with squirrely braking and opposite-lock corner exit, our pilot was easily going 9/10ths. In fact, when Ainsley and I got into the car for our ride-along, the brakes were smoking away.

Instructors were stationed around the track at the various corners taking notes. They collected notes after each session and met with each driver to provide some tips and pointers. If you are wondering why this sounds a little odd, it’s because it is. From the very first session out on the track, there is zero on-track supervision. There are flaggers, and that’s it. No pace car. No remote vehicle shutdown. No data logging. It was a surprising and refreshing and somewhat terrifying experience, to be honest.