As we chased Chuck in the recovery vehicle, we heard the speed announced over the CB Radio: “165.5 miles per hour… we believe that may be a new record” Hearing those words made the last two hell weeks worth it.

We took the car to impound where they performed class validation to officiate the record. This included testing the gasoline to make sure that we weren't running alcohol, and to make sure our motor had been properly inspected and sealed for displacement prior to running.

Last thing they asked was “Do you want a trophy, or a jacket?” Chuck chose the trophy… the thought of a jacket in 100 degree weather just wasn't appealing.
With the shakedown of the new powertrain complete, we are now even more confident that we can break the H/PS record of 168 MPH at Bonneville next month. And the original goal of entering the 200 MPH club? That's looking even more obtainable. Stay tuned!