
The bloated and leaking upper radiator hose was the first thing we all noticed upon popping the hood for initial inspection. Jeff kept squeezing it, making us all nervous. After slapping his hand away several times like a pestering grandmother in the candy section of the supermarket, we were able to check for other potential problems.

Next problem area, which seems to be either VTEC solenoid gasket, valve cover gasket, exhaust cam cap, or all three! Which ever it is, it's been ignored for a long time indicated by the entire area seen in this picture with oil seepage. What can't be seen is the “B18C1” block code completely obscured beneath the residue and most of the front side of the trans bell housing.

The DC sports header from the top seems to be in good condition. On the under side though at the 90 degree bend, it has the classic B series engine header dent. Upon further investigation, both inner CV axle boots were found to be torn with the grease sprayed in every direction.

The overall appearance of the body looked great with only minor and understandable blemishes for being a 20 year old car. The champ white color is iconic Honda as well.

A poor attempt at a color match was noticed on the right front of the bumper. The unknown front lip though was a nice touch.

Being on the stock razor spoke GSR wheels was cool to see and rare in the used Honda market. Even the tires were the OE size. The brake pad bite seemed to be as tenacious as a puppy and the pedal feel as firm as a fresh loaf of banana bread.