Race tracks are scary places. There’s flying debris everywhere. Little rocks, bits of rubber, and sometimes even pieces of cars. At 130MPH, almost anything can become a tiny missile looking for a radiator or other cooler to puncture. Closing up openings in the bumper with some wire mesh is cheap insurance to prevent a race- or weekend-ruining accident.
Remember that the poly bumper is floppy!
Then go back and cut off every… single… little… poky… stabby… razor-sharp bit.
Yes, you could have used a slightly bigger mesh which may have been less razor-sharp stabbyness. But a bigger mesh means that bigger things can get through the mesh and into your coolers. I used 1/4″ mesh, but it comes in varying sizes. Granted, a large enough object is just going to blow up the zip ties and smash through anyway. But if you expected a little wire mesh and zip ties to stop a boulder, well, you might need a different hobby.
This car and all its failures have taught me a lot of patience! So I channeled my inner zen and got to trimming.
A quick pass with a file or sanding wheel afterward will also help quite a lot. It really just boils down to how deeply you want to cut yourself when you are digging around in here to do something.
Rather than the rubber nut dealies you used to secure the skirts, have you considered using rivnuts as a more fabricated and permanent solution?
I may end up using rivnuts. I wanted to use some kind of quick fastener but that did not happen.