When you’re not in a race mode, iRacing will not only show you your splits, but it will also show you your sector times in addition to a live changing color bar of your sector deltas. In a real race, the delta prediction display is deactivated.
And, just like in rFactor, you can record telemetry information that can be imported into a data logging suite for analysis. iRacing members can download the McLaren ATLAS suite, and iRacing directly records data files in the ATLAS format for easy import. I spent a few hours getting lost in ATLAS and trying to learn about data logging and data analysis. Maybe some day when Project SC300 is out on track I’ll really dedicate some time to learning that craft…
The ghost view, like in many games, is a faint view of your car performing its best lap- mostly so that you can try to chase it and then drive off the track, I feel. You also have the option to turn on a racing line display, which I am not sure is accurate. Either that or I’m just not following it right. I generally found myself driving with these two things off. However, if I was a total beginner to performance driving, the race line display would probably be very helpful.

Yes, you have to come to a complete stop (whether on or off the track) before you can get “out” of the car. In a race, you also lose time getting towed into the pits (assuming you exit while on the track).
iRacing, too, has really detailed cockpits, right down to the gauges.
When you get off the track you come back to this view, where you have your pit/brake man standing in your spot. When you come into the pits you have to look for him to find your pit spot, and he has his little “STOP” sign out. It’s just a little touch that seems really nice.
Another slight contrast to rFactor 2, iRacing also has a spotter that calls your lap times. However, the spotter also calls when you have cars approaching, on your side, and various other course conditions. In the case of having a single display/screen like we do with our Predator X34, even though the superwide display does provide extra view inside the cockpit, you still can’t easily see what’s to the side of you. This saved my bacon on more than one occasion.
You can also see the replay controls at the bottom of the screen. Every time you exit driving, you are immediately put into replay mode where you can watch your on-track progress.