WATCH: Maximizing BMW E39 M5 CARB Legal Power!


In today’s video with the help of Dinan we’re eeking the last bits of California smog legal power out of our project BMW E39 M5!

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1 comment

  1. I think that words used in video needed to have more careful consideration:
    1) there are no bigger MAFs, just bigger MAF HOUSINGS.
    2) when you talk about _moving_ temperature sensor – I might be wrong, but those MAFs seem to have internal temperature sensor – so it is not really about moving, per se, but installing additional air temp sensor?
    3) when you say that you are installing air temperature sensor where air is colder… I am not sure I follow logic – because why skew temperature readings in other direction(as opposed to heatsoeked current sensor)?
    4) dyno printouts. could you calculate areas under torque graph(sorry – my English is bad and I don’t know the correct term)? that would show gains (if there are any) for torque. otherwise max torque hasn’t changed and those 5hp on 360 (~1.38%) might be just measuring error on dyno.

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