Fast Fridays 2014 – Part 2
With so many cars to share, we had to separate our Fast Fridays 2014 coverage into two parts. In Part 1 of our 2014 coverage, we saw a large variety of Kansas and Missour-based cars, ranging from the current, mega-dollar exotics to the high-boosting imports and domestics. Today, we’re back to show you more, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Fast Fridays meets every other Friday evening at KC Trends in Overland Park, Kansas, starting late spring and ending mid-Fall. Each meet is sure to excite the senses with the smell of race fuel, the sounds of big, burly V8s and blow-off valves, and the dazzling colors of metallic paint jobs that alter their egos as the sun slowly sets.
If you haven’t had a chance to see Part 1, make sure you do. Also check out our coverage from last year's Fast Fridays 2013!
This event is for anyone who loves anything cars and bikes. With cars ranging from muscle, to import, to European, it’s also not surprising to see a few actual racecars. Two-wheelers can also show up in droves, with an equal split between crotch rockets and domestic, noise-making cruisers.

Here’s a section of “exotic alley”. Notice how large the entry-level, more contemporary Ferraris have gotten over the years when compared to the #21 Ferrari Dino, which was sold from ’69-’74.

Here’s a close-up that better tells the story with the size difference. Gotta love those 288 GTO-style two-tone leather seats in the Dino! And let’s hope that wasn't an airbag. Oh wait…