Pro Stock Semi Finals
The first Semi-Final pair in Pro Stock were Greg Stanfield and Vincent Nobile. Greg's pass was a 6.588 at 209 MPH and he even cut a better .020 Light. For those of you who don't know, two things: First, what I mean by “cutting a better light” is their reaction time. The NHRA counts up from zero when determining a driver's reaction time to the green light. .000 is perfect, what used to be a perfect light at .400 is now very, very late, and a -0.001 is now Red. Second, Pro Stock is a very close class and usually the winner is determined at the launch and they will be within .001 or less of each other at the finish. The guy who cuts a better light usually wins. |
Vincent Nobile cut a .031 light and was behind that much from the start. There is a third thing to keep in mind in Pro Stock. Horsepower and traction can overcome a late light and Vincent pulled away with a 6.575 at 210 MPH, a margin of victory of just .015 seconds. I believe to put that into perspective, that's a bumper or so that he won by. |
Final pair for the Semis were Vieri Gaines in the Kendall Oil Dodge Avenger and Jeg Coughlin, Jr. in the Jegs Dodge Avenger. Here, Gaines was able to pull off a quick pass of 6.538 at 212 MPH, Jeg only turned a 6.574 at 208.42 MPH. Gaines should have won, right? |
Well, not with a reaction time of .079 to Jeg's .013. Quick reaction won Jeg that round, otherwise it would have been Gaines in the final. |