4. Remove the retaining ‘spring’ clips that keep tension on the brake pads and aligns the caliper. Use a screwdriver to pry the ‘hooks’ of the spring clip out while pushing up on the bottom of the clip for the hooks to clear the holes and pop out.
5. Using a screwdriver, remove the two plastic dust covers that cover the caliper guide pins that are located on the back of the caliper.
5.5. Carefully remove the pad wear sensor (left front and right rear only) with needle nose pliers and slide the pads out of the caliper. If you break the sensor, or if it is worn down, it must be replaced with a new one.
6. Using a 7mm Allen wrench or socket, break the caliper guide pins loose but do not remove.
7. Using a 16mm box-end wrench, loosen the brake line. (Skip if not rebuilding the caliper)