
The front axle is hollow to reduce mass. The Brembo rotor hat looks to have a very strong structure while being lightweight. It even appears the ribs have a slight aero profile to minimize drag. Of couse, the brake rotor is located on floating pins to allow for the difference in the thermal expansion between the rotor and rotor hat.

The rear brake caliper is a Nissin unit with a braided SS line. The rear brake rotor has many cutouts to give high resolution rear wheel speed measurement used for all the control electronics. Check out the size of the rear sprocket compared with the brake rotor; that is a small rear sprocket!

Considering the engine puts out around 200hp, the bike can get away with a rear sprocket this small. It’ll probably still pull roll-on wheelies in third gear. The rear sprocket is pretty well carved out to minimize rotating mass.

The rear coilover damper is Showa Balance Free Rear Cushion unit.

The adjusters for compression and rebound along with the spring perch are located at the bottom of the damper.