That looks much better.
Now it’s time for the actual fire system tubing.
The fire system originally came with pure aluminum tube, but that was a while ago. The industry has since moved to using coated aluminum tube which has better chemical and environmental resistance.
This Dekabon / Synflex tubing has the same 8mm outer diameter that the original system came with, which means it will work with our existing fittings. As with all tube bending, be sure that you use the right tools.
A tubing cutter helps make sure that cuts are clean and do not crush the tube, keeping the structure and shape.
We needed to tee off the fire bottle so that we have extinguishing material sprayed in the trunk as well as in the cabin and, ultimately, the engine bay.
Well, we didn’t need to spray in the trunk/cell area, as generally this is not considered to be a requirement. We figured it couldn’t hurt, though. Tom is bending up a short section to come off the fire bottle to go to that tee.
The short segment and tee are installed. Now, to get the trunk sorted.