Dyno Detectives: Edik Stepanyan’s Dyno Results
Edo on the Dyno

Dyno Detectives: Edik Stepanyan's Dyno Results
By Justin Banner

You know, if you caught me on MotoIQ Radio a few nights ago, you would have heard me say that Road Racing has really become boring and too “clean.” Well, the MotoIQ Pacific Tuner Car Challenge has done everything it could to correct me on that as Joey Redmond pointed out on that same show. He was right. Cars were being disqualified because of noise, accusations of cheating, and even cars breaking during the race. At the Dyno on hand at Sonoma Raceway, Edik Stepanyan's DA Acura Integra showed signs that it was over powered. So, in a show of sportsmanship, Edik agreed that his points would be unofficial until after the official dyno test on Road Race Engineering's offical MPTCC dynamometer. Luckily, I was there to record the whole thing, so here is the story.

Edo on the Dyno
Of course, like a true dork, I arrive an hour before anyone else. So, with nothing better to do, I took a self-guided tour of the shop. It's also in the process of being slightly remodeled for more space.
Edo on the Dyno
I am first greeted by this thing.
Edo on the Dyno
It doesn't look too happy that I'm taking its picture, either. It looks like that little robot in the first Transformers movie. Yeah, the Michael Bay one. Damn near looks like it's prepared to come to life at a moment's notice and terrorize anyone that isn't driving a Mitsubishi.
Edo on the Dyno
Above the coffee machine, there is a feature article on their Evo 9 in Import Tuner Magazine. It even made the cover!
Edo on the Dyno
Next was a picture of a Suzuki Swift rally car that Jen Imai drove and Terry Stonecipher co-drove that Road Race had involvement in. It was tore up pretty bad at one point, but the Road Race crew, Jen, and Terry all got the car back together.


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