With power and ground hooked up the wires were ronted up the A-Pillar and attached to the gages. All wire was covered in split loom before everything was buttoned up.
Here are the gauges displaying oil temp reading the pan temperature.
The oil pressure gauge is reading nicely as well!
Now not only do we have a reliable supply of oil for our F20C engine but we can now monitor the condition of our oil in a much more accurate way than the OEM dummy lights that only come on when it is too late! Thanks to Autometer, our S2000 can be a lot safer when being driven hard on the track.
Read more about our AP1 S2000.
The thread type should be called out as BSPT, to differentiate from BSPP. BPT is an incomplete designation. It is interesting to see the British influence on Japan carries through to this day.
You are very bold drilling a vertical hole through your cowl into the driver’s compartment. Here in the northeast I would be very concerned about water intrusion. I’d be filling that grommet with RTV or some other type of sealant.
I stand corrected, upon closer inspection, it looks like you may have a BSPP (parallel) connection that seals on the face rather than a BSPT connection that seals on the threads.
It is actually not a vertical hole, it just looks that way in pictures and its near other OEM pass-throughs.
I stand corrected, this looks like a BSPP connection that seals on the face rather than a BSPT connection that seals on the threads.
I installed my Oil Pressure and other gauges the exact same way. I was feeling kind of insecure thinking that there could have been a cleaner way to do it (of course there is), but knowing that others have done the same makes me feel validated.
Are these more accurate than an OBD2 gauge (scangauge, plx dm100, etc) ?
As accurate.
Where did you guys get the 1/8″ bspt to -3 an adapter from? I am having a hard time finding one! If you have extra, can I buy it off you guys 🙂 I’m local to socal.