Project Lexus SC300 Road Racer: Part 2 – Mounting the Fuel Cell


Do not do this if you value your safety or your life.

SAFETY WARNING: I’m not sure what kind of moron was in charge of putting this car together at the previous shop it visited, but apparently a few drywall screws is considered sufficient mounting for holding a heavy battery to the car. Whatever you do, do NOT do this. This is downright dangerous, and I am very happy that I found this when I did. Unfortunately, this was not the only safety hazard we encountered.

H really likes neat edges.
No, seriously, he likes neat edges.

H flattened the lip with a dolly and a hammer. It was then reinforced with some square steel tube. All of the flattening and trimming and cleaning helps to ensure a good surface to weld the tube to.

Here H is cutting the edges with a snips to make the hole just slightly bigger after a few test fit attempts.
If it fits, it ships?

After a few tries and a little bit of trimming and grinding, the cell finally sat in the hole with some shims to make it (more or less) level. The goal here was to have the smallest clean hole possible, and then build our mounting surfaces around that hole.

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