Steve’s STi: Doing It Right!


Trevor is driving here at TMP. Look how planted the car is as it enters a left at Toronto Motorsports Park.
I'm not sure if this is Trevor or Steve driving at TMP.
Steve coming through Turn Three at CTMP this past September.
Simply beautiful. This is a well-built car and major props to Can-Jam for their efforts and Steve, congratulations on having a dream and then having the fortitude … and cash … to make it happen. Steve told me, “My standards exceed my skills, and Can-Jam's skills exceed my standards.” Perfect! For our readers, next time you walk by a Subaru just check the gas filler lid and compare it to the location on this car. So much fender has been removed that the gas filler lid had to be modified so that it could open over the fender flare.
Trevor driving at Grand Bend Motorplex just minutes from the beach and shores of Lake Huron. If you're thinking that the color is off somewhat, that's not the case. A torrential rain storm is just moments away, coming in off of the lake. Not even AWD members could continue this event, as the marshals were almost blown off their posts!

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