Shawn Krebsbach and his Mitsubishi Evo IX captured StreetMod's top spot on both days! Saturday his time was 1:12.768 and on Sunday he battled to top spot over Chad McCurdy (also in an Evo IX).
Chad McCurdy was a fierce competitor in his Evo. He was right behind in second place, with a time on Saturday of 1:12.927. Photo Credit: Motovicity.
Aaron Byram in his StreetMod Lotus Exige. Pardon me for saying this, but I simply love these cars! Photo Credit: Ken Cox, M1 Concourse.
Chad Slagg and his Acura Integra Type R pushed hard through the Touge events. Photo Credit: Motovicity.
Jarod DeAnda took time off from announcing at Formula D to take the stage at the Speed Ring! Austin Cabot from GridLife was sharing announcing duties for the weekend. Photo Credit: Motovicity.
Brett Kinsfather, Vice President of Sale and Marketing at Motovicity, taking time out to chat with media about the signifigance of The Speed Ring. Brett's enthusiasm for The Speed Ring was very evident while being interviewed by MotoIQ for this article. 2018, building upon the experiences of 16 and 17, is going to be even better. Photo Credit: Motovicity.