
Impound takes place after every race. The top five cars are sequestered, log books checked, and all teams have access to view the cars.

Beast Mode Racing captured second on Saturday and first on Sunday. Congratulations.

Simon Says podiumed First on Saturday and second on Sunday. Well done!

No Budget Racing captured third both Saturday and Sunday.

Chris brings the impound session to a close – and announces the final race placement. Sal is right there to witness the moment. If you're confused about the ChumpCar Canada team being at WGI, that's because for years the oversaw this event as part of ChumpCar North. There may be changes in the future, but for now, thanks to the ChumpCar Canada team for hosting another fantastic event.

Sunday night the ChumpCar trophies are handed out!

No Budget Racing heads back to Canada with two Third Place trophies. And we're looking forward to the next races! And moving up the steps of the podium!