The spade connectors are clicked into the supplied connector for the sender, this connector goes with the connector that is on the radium hanger.
Here is the stock-sending unit ready to be installed on the radium hanger.
The fuel temperature sensor connector is cut off and the supplied ring terminals are crimped in place.
Shrink tubing is applied to the ring terminals.
The fuel temp sensor is attached to the Radium hanger with the supplied zip ties.
While it was not explicitly stated in your article, ensure you are using correct heat shrink for anything submersible. Stuff like Raychem DR25 is not ethanol/methanol safe.
This was the supplied heat shrink, I assume it is DR25, thats what we also use for our own use.
I like the idea and intension of the catch tank part, find it a bit small comparing to the double 340l/h pumps. On this size ist empty in les than 3 sec acceleration.
Have you measured the restriction of the 7mm fuel lines with the two pumps tunning at idle? Normally with one pump at idle you increase it by 0.6-0.8bar at the pump compared to the fuel rail.
Also the oem wiring was made for 6-8Amp pumps, these with the increased pressure are sucking on boost about double making 2volt drop in voltadge so loosing about 30% flow and heating the wire.
The wiring is all redone with heavy gage, direct to the battery and its own relays.