Polishing Project STurdteen with 57Xtreme Gramlights, DIY 5 Lug Conversion, and More
by Rathyna Gomer
While my S13 was serving as a POS missile car in the past, I had zero intentions of changing the stock 4-lug setup. However, as a part of polishing the turd I knew I had to start off by getting a good set of wheels that are good looking, light, and durable enough to withstand the tribulations of drifting. At that point it was a no brainer to go with the Gramlight 57Xtremes that have been on a few Formula Drift competition cars. But first, I had to switch over to a 5-lug setup.

I bought the car with its stock 4-lug hubs but didn't feel the need to upgrade immediately since the previous owner had already upgraded the brakes to a 4 piston fixed caliper Z32 setup.

As much as I love brand new shiny things, I'm on that typical ramen-drifter diet. You see the way my bank account is setup encourages me to scavenge whatever parts I can through Facebook. I was able to come up with a pair of rear S14 SE hubs and another pair of front aftermarket 5-lug conversion Ichiba hubs for under $200.

I decided to start up front with the 5-lug conversion, which is arguably the easiest part. I began by taking off the wheel spacer, caliper, and rotor.

Next, was the removal of the dust cap which can be done with a flathead screwdriver (and hammer if necessary). On a sidenote, I've been told I have gorilla-like hands, so I hired professional hand model Danny Cordova for the rest of the process.

After that, we removed the cotter pin with some needle nose pliers.