After getting the wheels in hand, I called up Andy's Tires in Pomona to get some tires mounted for competition. Andy is almost every drifter in SoCal's favorite person when it comes to their tire needs. He treats every single one of his customers as family and oftentimes will push things aside to help you. It's the combination of fair prices and excellent customer service that motivates people to make the drive to his shop.

Just like any good drifter, I saved tires for the last minute (I needed to get the car running first afterall). I opted to run some Achilles ATR 245/40/18s up front.

The staff at Andy's Tires, including Andy himself, are all drifting enthusiasts. Many of them are building their own drift cars at well, so I know I can trust them to keep the 57Xtremes in mint condition.

Here is one of my rear tires mounted! These are a brand called Triangles that I'm sure many of you may not be familiar with. However, when it comes to buying tires in bulk and with short notice I picked up about 16 of the 245/40/18 Triangles. Check out how good the wheels look with tires mounted on them!

Yes… those are all mine!

Here you can see the wheels actually on the car. I am still playing around with my fenders to get the right fitment.

Once the car is wrapped, the look will be close to complete!
I was hoping to link to a video of me driving on the wheels and maybe do a cool burnout. However, that'll have to wait until the next update of my driving. The SR decided to give me problems at the event so we are now working on a complete engine build series! Stay tuned for that.
Mackin Industries
Andy's Tires