Project Mustang 5.0: Data Logging, Tuning, and More with HP Tuners nGauge


To start data logging, tap anywhere on a parameter when in gauge view to bring up the menu, then tap on “Start Log.”  A yellow LED will light up directly above the screen to show that logging has begun, and a small square “STOP” button will appear in the center of the gauge.  The nGauge will continue to display whatever gauge it was showing previously as it data logs.  When you are finished logging, tap on the “STOP” button in the center of the screen.


This is a short data log of blipping the throttle in neutral.

nGauge stores its data logs as Comma-Separated Value (.csv) files on its SD card, with values sampled at a rate of 60 Hz. You can access the files by plugging a computer into the mini-USB port on the front of the gauge, going into the Diagnostic Menu, and selecting “USB SD.” This will make the nGauge show up as an accessible drive letter on your computer. You can then simply copy the .csv file over and begin processing it.


A graph of RPM, Fuel Pump Duty Cycle, and Throttle Percentage of the previous throttle blip.

Now, looking at a throttle blip is cool and all, but a better test would be an autocross run. We took the data log using nGauge, recorded the video, acceleration, and map using Race Chrono on an Android phone, and then married the two using Race Render (which, coincidentally, is also an HP Tuners product).  Here’s the result:


We logged wideband AFR of both cylinder banks, battery voltage, fuel pump duty cycle, spark advance, throttle percentage, RPM, and coolant temperature. Yes, some of these PIDs are superfluous for a track day, but we wanted to illustrate the wealth of data you can capture using nGauge.


The nGauge fits in well with the round OEM gauges and the rest of the interior. 


  • Small form-factor is easy to permanently install in vehicle
  • Stores multiple tune files for different fuel octanes, etc.
  • Gauge functionality vastly improves driver’s ability to monitor critical engine functions not normally accessible
  • Pair of analog inputs allows monitoring and logging of additional parameters, such as oil pressure or boost
  • Dedicated input for Zeitronix wideband allows simple integration of wideband lambda sensor
  • 60-Hz data logger is a capability normally requiring expensive standalone equipment.


  • Touch screen easily picks up fingerprints
  • Screen glares easily and is difficult to see in high ambient light conditions.


In summary, the HP Tuners nGauge is perfect for racers on a budget.  In one convenient, easy-to-mount package, you get a tuner, an OBD scanner, a huge number of gauges, and a data logger.



HP Tuners


Jonathan’s Performance

Race Chrono

Race Render

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