Tested: Burns Stainless NHB Porsche 987 Cayman and Boxster Exhaust System
The Porsche 987 Cayman has long been one of our favorite cars. Built from 2006 to 2012, the 987 features a midship mounted 2.7 liter flat 6 or a 3.4 liter for the S Model. The Cayman has always offered stellar handling, perhaps it was the best handling car of its time.
Many Porsche snobs pan the 987 because its mid engine makes it not a real Porsche in their eyes. Because of this the 987 can be found for pretty reasonable prices on the used car market. This makes it a great buy in the eyes of the enthusiast who really only cares about performance.
With that in mind, our friends at Burns Stainless, purveyors of some of the finest header collectors, high quality bends and fabrication supplies for most of the hardcore race industry, have set out to build what is probably the best performance exhaust on the market for the 987 Cayman.
By the way, although Burns markets the exhaust as a Cayman part it does also happen the fit the 2005-2012 987 Boxster. Although the Boxster is looked down upon as a hairdresser's car by many enthusiasts, the 987 version does have pretty good performance and should not be overlooked! After all, under the skin, it's virtually identical to the Cayman although the roadster body is not as stiff and thus the suspension calibration is not quite as taut.

ASTM269 is an industry metallurgy standard for high quality 304 heat treated corrosion resistant 304 stainless tubing. You won't be getting Chinese melted down pots and pans here!

Burns mufflers are rebuildable when they start getting loud. The mufflers are attached to the downpipes with easy to use V-Band clamps so the exhaust can be quickly removed from the car. The slip fit clamps on the other side of the muffler are so adjustments can be made in the exhausts fit to make up for car to car tolerances. This way the tips can be centered in the bumper cutout perfectly and allowance can be made for hanger sag and other things that affect exhaust system fit.