
Ever wanted to know what an engine looks like from an Unlimited Hydroplane racing boat? Here’s an Aardema V12, which is twin supercharged using Vortech centrifugal blowers. If the engine doesn’t look impressive enough, how’s the fact that it is a honkin’ 19.5-liters in displacement (1193 c.i.)!? It’s set to make well north of 3,000 horsepower with 15 PSI boost at just 6800 RPM, with an 8.5:1 compression ratio thanks to Arias pistons and a Cometic head gasket. My apologies for the blurred photo, but I apparently was trembling in its presence (actually, I’d run out of camera battery on the last day and had to resort to a few phone shots).

Scheid Diesel was present again, showing off its triple turbo madness.

Speaking of Pro Mods, here is the P2 Racing Corvette raced by Kurt Steding, sitting in the Afco booth.

The rear of this Pro Mod Camaro looked pretty gnarly.
Hey don't forget our embedded vidoes of that crazy Nissan GTR on page 10!