
We discussed the primary components of the fuel system in Part 8, but here’s another close up of the FIC 2150-cc injectors that will be handling our E85 corn fuel. They’re pressurized with a twin set of Walbro 485 pumps. There’s also more on the rest of our fuel system in the latter pages of this article. And we can’t help but show you once again one of the center pieces of the engine bay—the Hypertune intake manifold with its red, “big boy” intake runners that were port-matched to our cylinder head by FRP. Detailed pictures of the intake manifold can be seen HERE:
The car idles great with the 2150-cc high-impedence injectors, which flow nearly four times more than the stock Supra twin turbo injectors. But we're going to need a tremendous amount of fuel to make good power on ethanol because over 30% more fuel is needed to burn it. Ethanol is great for its slow-burning, high-octane and low-temperature burning qualities, but anyone driving an E85-fueled engine will notice it also can take a long time to get started in cold temperatures.
For those looking to make around 700whp with their Supra on E85 without cranking up the fuel pressure, Fuel Injector Clinic has recently released its 1650-cc high-impedence injectors as well!

So, let’s get back to our story. The car was running well, and the plan was to return to MKC's dyno to raise the boost level, hit our 800whp goal, call it a day, and return to you, our readers, with an exciting update. But things don’t always go as planned. In fact, “it’s always something…” as MKC’s Ryan Charlton likes to say.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t get the 2JZ to rev past 7000 RPM. Don’t get me wrong, the car was running great, but the power curve was steadily climbing past that mark and we couldn't give it more. And with a cylinder head and block that’s good for over 9000 RPM, and a PT6766 turbo that should be flowing good power easily past 8000 RPM on a 2JZ, we wanted at least 8000 RPM! The the newly installed, MKC-tuned AEM Infinity EMS was also powering the car hiccup-free.

This graph shows our initial pump-gas run at about 18 PSI. Excuse the fact that the dyno's tach pick-up wasn’t working this day, so we couldn’t register RPM and torque. In this run the car is topping out at 7000 RPM. By looking at the curve, which looks practically normally-aspirated (this run's torque curve would be fairly flat), it's obvious this 2JZ is capable of so much more at this mild boost level.

AEM is great with their technical help, and Henry over there came through for us. This is MKC owner Chad Charlton, speaking to him on the phone, and it turned out our little problem was a simple noise-cancellation value on the cam sensor wizard. This Infinity has more engine fail-safes and engine-protection parameters than I’ll ever learn about, which is a great thing. I wanted to take this picture to show that Chad isn't one of those tuners that's above asking the AEM experts, and wasting valuable time. After this short phone call he now had the car running stout.
But remember, “there's always something”…