The DeltaWing Revisited
We first took a look at the famous and controversial Elan Delta Wing a couple of years ago. At the time the car was a super radical departure from the norm that made headlines all around the world. If you have been living under a rock for the past few years, the DeltaWing is the brainchild of Ben Bowlby whose design concept is that less is more.
The DeltaWing is designed to go as fast as a conventional Prototype with half the power, half the fuel consumption, half the weight and half the drag. We found the car as very interesting but somewhat crude and unsorted as the transition of the car from a somewhat hodgepodge Nissan branded effort to being taken under the wing of Elan cars was not complete.
Now the car's concept is much more mature and it is worth taking another look at it. In 2014, the P1 rules were changed and all P cars were required to have a closed cockpit and out of necessity the DeltaWing Coupe was born. The car's development continued and the car was now competitive, even leading races.
For 2016 there is the third version of the DeltaWing competing with further refinements. Let's take a look at it and you can compare it with our look at the first version of the car.

The car's design premise is, with so little weight on the front wheels, the rear wheels do the most of the braking, driving and cornering work. The front wheels are there just to point the chassis in the direction it needs to go.