
That's not a drift bar – although it would work quite well for that purpose. To keep the car stationary prior to launches Carlos needed more holding power than the stock emergency brake setup provided. A Wilwood Staging system does the job perfectly.

Here is a close-up of the Wilwood hydraulic staging brake system to hold the car in place during staging.

The SR20VE '20V' uses coils and not a distributor. Carlos runs AEM coils in his NX2000 along with NGK heat race 9 plugs. He also runs a Mazworx Hall sensor kit as it provides much more precise timing control.

Engine management is provided by an AEM series 2 unit, tuned by Paulo. An MW Pro 14 CDI ignition box keeps the spark alive. The harnes was built at AES using Painless wiring to save weight. Only the bare essentials are hooked up.

Notice how the Mazworx cage is formed around the tunnel with triangulated pieces providing additional support.

The car is currently running on C16 but later this year it will likely be switched to E85. Located at the rear of the car are the fuel cell and the battery. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time we see the car that the Optima battery is located in the engine bay.
Well done for the project
What gearbox are you using?
Hi Chris,
At the time of this article (about 7 years ago) Carlos was running a Back then was running the P11 transmission with the clutchmasters twin disk. Since then Carlos worked with AES Auto (Burnaby, Canada) and Mazworx to develop the Nissan/Honda K adaptor so the car has a K transmission now. Life has kept Carlos busy and it hasn’t been to the track in quite some time, but I’m sure it will be out again … soon!
I am building a nissan 100nx drag racing project with SR20det fitted with k20 gearbox. However, i have an issue on which drive shafts to use. Can you guide me accordingly? I need to know who sells or manufactures the driveshafts (from k20 gearbox to 100nx knuckles).