Installing KW Clubsport Coilovers on my moms C63 AMG
C63 AMG KW Clubsport top hats
KW also includes custom front top-hats with the C63 Clubsports. This allows us to adjust the front camber on the car.

Before we start, this being a Mercedes you will need a few special tools on top of your regular toolset. In order to complete this installation, you will need a set of E-Torx (external Torx) and regular Torx sockets. Also, while you don’t need it for this guide, if you plan on regularly working on Mercedes cars like this you should get a full set of triple-square sockets.

We will also include all of the torque specs required for this installation at the end of the article.

W204 C63 AMG on jack stands
Let’s begin by jacking up the car.
C63 AMG front suspension
Taking the wheel off, we can get a sense of what we are dealing with. The C63 features two lower control arms which create a virtual ball joint.
C63 AMG front shock cable clip
Our first step is to remove the plastic bracket that holds the brake line and all of the wires in place. It’s secured with a ziptie and some tabs.
C63 AMG front shock cable clip tabs
After cutting the ziptie, we have to push down on these two little tabs while twisting the bracket to the side. It’s really tight so don’t be afraid to use a screwdriver to pry.
C63 AMG front shock cable clip
You can just leave the bracket dangling on the brake line after you wiggle it out. You may notice that we also took extreme care to “preserve” the original ziptie. That proved to be unnecessary because we actually found that KW provides replacement OEM-style zipties in the box!


  1. Mercs make for a great drifting car base, they normally have huge caster from the factory, Merc is all about that highway stability.

    But welding the diff on moms car… ouf.

  2. I truly love the idea of an automatic car with a welded diff.

    Even moreso a 204 Mercedes, those are among the last quality cars they made.

  3. I also have a 2012 C 63 bought it as a fun daily to take it to the track here and there when my 240 track car is down. I took the Merc to the track then 1 lap in it goes into limp mode. How are you guys drifting the heck out of the car and it’s not going to limp mode. I feel like that’s more abuse than a regular track day?! Definitely lmk. I’m stumped Because I love the car but I hate that I can’t drive it hard

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