
Simple yet effective, Yannick does all his tube bending on an old school manual mandrel bender.

Working carefully yet efficiently, the primary door bar starts to take shape. Only a few delays which consisted of answering shop phone calls and signing for parts from the UPS delivery guy slowed Yannick's pace.

With the tube the correct shape and length, it's time to start welding. The bar in this picture doesn't look like much, but will start to make more sense very soon.

With the door bar welded in, Yannick cuts, shapes, and welds the vertical support bars to the original cage structure.

I closed my eyes and just snapped away with the camera hoping to get at least one good welding shot, I guess I got lucky with this one. Even though its only a picture, the light is still slightly uncomfortable to look at. Maybe I'm just getting old.

Finished, I'm happy with the result. The advantage of the large door openings of hatchback Honda Civics allow a door bar to be higher and more encompassing of the driver yet still leave plenty of space for ingress and egress in relation to the A-pillar and roof.

Some small added features included the custom door handle that's welded to the inside of the door and actuates the factory door mechanism. Also the small gusset that ties the rear vertical tube to the original diagonal bar.

With the door closed, the entire door bar fits perfectly inside and the custom door handle is within easy reach of the driver.