
We’ve also recently started working with Sparkplugs.com, whose name implies it only carries automotive ignition products but this is far from the truth. In fact, you’ll be seeing a little more of their LED-conversion interior and exterior lighting in other projects as well. In fact, we just used these products recently on our Mazda MPV.

Before we take a look at our Coby Wheel products installation, let’s first take a gander at what we’re starting with. When the M3 was released in 2001, the gauges and thick steering wheel were indeed something cool to look at, but it’s a little outdated for today. Yes I know the seat cover is already installed here but bear with us…

The shift knob and factory E-brake boot were looking not only a little outdated but also a little worn as well.

When it comes to the E46 M3 shift knob, it’s actually a single piece with a boot. So, instead of cutting it up, most Coby Wheel customers driving E46 M3s opt for the factory 330i ZHP Alcantara® knob, which we ordered directly through Coby Wheel.
Coby wraps your factory pieces with Alcantara® (or has you send your cores later if he has them in stock). Here’s a close-up of some of Mike Coby’s work! He lets you choose the stitch pattern as well as the colors. When it came to the boots and armrest, he recommended not convoluting the look with too much stitching. To keep things simple Mike used what he calls his single stitch method here with BMW “M” colors.