Forgeline wheels were a nice presence. Some of their wheels are dropdead gorgeous, and very popular on sports car class racers as well as street exotics. Here we're looking at the firm catering to some of the old school muscle car guys, and the top wheel was developed more for those that would like to update their older BMWs.
But this two-piece Forgeline GA3R is one of my all time favorites. I so wish I could afford a set of these on either Project E46 M3 or Project Supra!
If there were any motorized vehicles at PRI 2014 that I’d be scared to operate, it would be either of these turbocharged crotch rockets in the Wossner pistons booth. The motorcycle on the right was comfortably resting on its own turbo!
Here’s a close-up of the bikes’ Precision Turbo turbocharger and wastegate setup. Also check out that collector at the exhaust manifold, which appears to be 321 stainless.